Seattle to Lead

Seattle to Lead, SD

I made it to the start. Whew! I got a deal on a nice old hotel in Lead, South Dakota. The Mickelson Trail starts here. Well, it starts in Deadwood, but I am not going to backtrack three miles. 

Despite my vague forebodings of doom that I get whenever I fly, enhanced by my first time flying with my bike to the start of a tour, disaster held off. I landed in Rapid City at 2:45. I wasn’t so interested in cycling to Lead which would have taken a day so I got shuttled up. I was extra glad because the air is smoky in Rapid City. Thanks Canada. 
(Smoke as we approach Rapid City)
(My brake rotor got bent during transit)
(Back in one piece)

I reassembled my bike in front of the Town Hall Inn. I have one minor booboo that I need to get fixed at the bike shop in Hill City along my route. The bike rotor that I thought was too close to the edge of the box and might get bent, got bent. It was rubbing fiercely on the brake pads. Gulp! YouTube to the rescue! It turns out all you need to do is mark where the rotor hits the pads and pull on the rotor with an adjustable wrench. Glad I put one of those in my kit.

After the bike was back together, I walked to the Stampmill for dinner. As I sat down in my booth looking at all couples and groups, I got an attack of the lonelies. I hadn’t had a real conversation all day. When I don’t have anyone to talk to, I talk to my inner Doubting Thomas. This trip will really be an exploration of my inner voice, especially when problems arise. I am jealous of people who are comfortable in their solitude. I concentrated on my breath, looked around and tried to take in being here. Finding a vegetarian entree and a waitperson who loves Seattle helped.

(I am writing this in the lobby and a couple just walked in. The husband was playing in a jam session at a bar up the street. He’s here for his 50th high school reunion).

(Who doesn't like an interesting lobby)

Correction: I had a nice conversation with Steve, the shuttle driver. Sorry Steve! He's going to Quebec next month and will sail to Florida!


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