D25 Hoback Junction to Jenny Lake

(Jenny Lake and me)

Mileage: 36

Video: https://www.relive.cc/view/vMq5EMVnBQq

Map: https://ridewithgps.com/trips/92735652?privacy_code=WV8YLzXJorZpFZjy

Tommorrow’s Destination: Dubois

Tonight’s Accommodations: Jenny Lake Campground

(Posted a day last because I had poor signal at Jenny Lake)

Today was a shorter day so I could hang with my hosts in the morning and have time to enjoy relaxing in Jackson and at Jenny Lake. It was happy that I had a later start because we stayed up to the late hour of 11:30. My eyes popped open at 5:30. I was glad to have a slow start. Thomas and Sarah invited me morel hunting. I would have loved to go, but I am pretty single minded about adding miles even on a short day.

(Beautiful bike paths almost the entire way)

I started out at 10:00. The cool thing about today was most of the riding is on bike paths! These are the first since Boise. It was so, so nice not to have to think about cars even when the bike path paralleled the road. By 11:15 I was in Jackson. I honed in on the Persephone Bakery where I got a “Queen Aman” (no internet so I can’t check spelling) and a bunch of veggie type stuff. I am getting tired of grill food. 

(I'm always happy when I can eat veggies!)

I’d just finished the book I’d taken so I popped into the bookstore across the street to get the third in the Murderbot Diaries series. So good. With book in hand, I headed out of town on more bike path. This one went straight to Jenny Lake Campground!

(Li'L Yellow rides around the famous antler gates in Jackson)

A couple of miles into the ride the Tetons revealed themselves in all their glory. The weather report had said today would be cloudy. I was bummed because I thought I wouldn’t see the mountains. I mean, that’s what ‘cloudy’ means in Seattle, right? But these were thin high ones that showed the mountains off, but kept me cool. 

(The Tetons)

After a 19 mile ride paralleling the Tetons, I pulled into the campground. I was a little bummed because I learned that they have hiker/biker sites. I didn’t know that and reserved a regular site for about $40. The camp host suggested I set up in the hiker /biker spot and see if anyone showed up without a reservation. If so, I could sell them my spot. And you know that’s exactly what happened! And the guy who got it used to live on Phinney Ridge at NW 68th and 1st NW! Small world again.

(The perfect spot)

I am happy to be in the hiker/biker spot because I have a cyclist neighbor, Marco, from Switzerland. I’ve been practicing my German! I hoped he was going my way, but we are crossing paths. Once I again, I won’t have to sit around a lonely campsite. I also had nice chit chat with several folks visiting the park. All in all this was one of the easiest and most relaxing days of the trip. Tomorrow could be hard however. I have to climb Togwotee Pass, nearly 10,000 feet and it is a 73 mile day. I’ll get a good rest.


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