D24 Pine Bar to Hoback Junction

Mileage: 50

Video: no video because I messed up the tracker

Map: ditto

I left the tracker on too long and shows my host's home. Once I edit that out I'll upload. I had so much fun with Sarah and Thomas that I didn't have time to do a post last night. This will be a short one just to say all is well. I am in beautiful Wyoming in the Jackson Hole area. Today I am biking to Jenny Lake. 

(A new state!!!)

Yesterday, I started out from Pine Bar down Idaho 34 to US 89 through the town of Freedom. At the junction I headed north to Alpine. US 89 turns east and heads up the beautiful Snake River valley to Hoback Junction. Four miles before you get there, you'll find Astoria Hot Springs where I had another soak. I met a 61 year old ultra runner, Pam, who was recovering from a broken leg she got in a Ironman when a woman stepped in front of her on mile 111 of the bike. 

(Having a soak)

My hosts Sarah and Thomas fed me elk meatballs and pasta. Thomas is a chef at a fancy club and hunted the elk himself. Sarah is a bicycle tour guide. She's guided a lot in Europe.

(This is an amazing area)


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