D22 Pocatello to Lava Hot Springs

(A camper named ... Ruby!)

Mileage: 42

Video: https://www.relive.cc/view/v4OGRwA2x5v

Map: https://ridewithgps.com/trips/92375512?privacy_code=nEJ7gRnsr1CEosQN

Accommodation: Cool retro camper 

Tomorrow's Destination: Pine Bar Campground

Today started with my niece's graduation from Miss Hall's School in Pittsfield MA. Congratulations Ruby! I was able to catch the whole thing on Zoom!  The graduating class was only 48 seniors so they were able to give each graduate a special sendoff. They contacted families and got teacher reports for each kid from previous teachers including many of their kindergarten teachers! I wish Hisako and I could have been there, but Kisho was there to represent us. Thanks Kisho!

Catching Ruby’s graduation meant a late 10:30 start. I’d already determined that the ‘shortcut’ through the mountains to the Blackfoot Reservoir was a no-go road condition-wise. Luckily, the resort town of Lava Hot Springs is just 37 miles from Pocatello. It’s a perfect distance for a late start. The only wrinkle was the rain predicted to start right when Ruby’s graduation was ending. I confess to fretting a bit during the ceremony.

As soon as the recessional was done, I texted my congratulations to Ruby and my brother Jesse and stepped out the door. I headed down to Albertson’s for a cereal and powdered milk restock and grabbed a coffee. The rain began as I pondered the rain. I geared up and rode off. The gaiters I bought in Boise proved their worth in a good solid 2-3 hours steady rain. Without them, the rain rolled down my rain pants into my shoes. Now they don’t. 

(The new gaiters work!)

The ride itself was actually a very pleasant ramble along the Portneuf river on mostly low traffic backroads. Along the way three women passed me cycling the other way. It was encouraging to see them. The hills did a great job of imitating Ireland despite the sage. 

(Cool house)

I found a fitness place with a big covered porch for a lunch of slim jims and Clif bars. The weather report predicted a chance of thunderstorms after 3pm so I wanted the chance of me being on the road at 3pm low. I just squeaked into town at 3pm. Thunderstorms never arrived.

(You won't believe how many banana peels I've seen)

Being in a resort town, I figured I have to enjoy myself. I am staying in a Cool retro camper. The deal was sealed when I saw one called Ruby! I am officially glamping. Thunderstorms are predicted for tonight which is another reason for the camper. After I got settled, I soaked in the pools at Lava Hot Springs and had a great dinner that wasn't pizza or a burger at the Portneuf Grill. I miss Hisako wherever I go to a nice place like this because it would be so much better with her. We’ll have to plan a trip! I consoled myself by challenging my mom and chatting up many people but snapped photos of none. 

(When in a resort town, resort)

Tomorrow it's back to camping at Pine Bar campground. The weather report looks good. Cross your fingers. I probably won’t have cell signal so don’t exect a report tomorrow.


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