D18 Glenn's Ferry to Twin Falls

(The Snake River)

Mileage: 76 (including the 2.5 miles from where turned off the tracker to my noisy RV park)

Tomorrow's Destination: Lake Wolcott

Just a brief note today. I rode an amazing gravel road but it slowed me down. I passed through desert bluffs above the Snake River. I passed one of Frank Lloyd Wright's Studios but you can't see it from the road. I came to Hagerman Fossil Beds National Monument but just peeled in the visitors center. The route became very agricultural but with a human scale. By 6 pm I was and the Bullmoose Bike Shop to get my bike saddle which was stuck in at a bad angle unstuck. I had dinner and arrived at the Oregon Trails RV Park at 7:45. 
(The amazing guys at Bullmoose Bikes)


  1. You’re doing great TJ! I really enjoyed your Snake River photos, and nice to see the little yellow bike along the way 🚲 Keep rolling and keep it sunny side up, my friend. 😎


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