End of Trip Summary

(Getting the Bike Ready for Transport) I wanted to write another blog entry for people who might want to know how my trip is wrapping up. One friend wasn't sure where I was. I'm in Denver and have a flight back Tuesday afternoon. I am staying two nights with a friend of my brother's, Christina. I am feeling lucky and blessed by the kindness and skills of people I meet. Christina is not only a friend but an avid cyclist. Her dad is too and helped me box my bike. I got a bike box from a local store. It proved to be too small. Christina's parents have friends who own a bike shop. Even though it wasn't open they were in the shop and opened up a big box for me. Christina's dad and I got it in the box yesterday afternoon. How improbable it is that I'd meet people with these skills and resources. (Downtown Crawford, the end of my trip) The ride from Crawford to Denver was with the owner of the Frontier Room Cafe where I ate lunch. I paid h...