One Day Left To Go

One day left to go! Yesterday, I was so scatter-brained I left my panniers at home. I rode all the way to work failing to notice their non-existence on my bike! Let’s hope that doesn’t happen on the road. Dummy checks are great, but you have to remember the dummy check…
(My panniers taking the day off on Friday)

A very pleasant surprise welcomed me at work as I logged into my computer in my bike clothes. Consuelo Crow presented with a Lubsh or Eye of Protection that she made! Look at the beadwork! Consuelo is Yaqui. The Yaqui use this to protect themselves against harm. I asked if it works against dogs and distracted drivers. She said it works on everything. Since it is an eye, I wondered whether it needs to be outside, but worried it would get dirty. Consuelo said it is kept in a pocket. I found a nice pouch to put it in. I will keep it in my handlebar bag which is the nerve center of my bike.
I repaid Consuelo’s kindness immediately by thoughtlessly and callously wondering how many “native areas I would be riding through”. Thankfully, Consuelo is both assertive and gracious and said, “All of them” with a laugh. I am sorry I was hurtful. Riding brings home how big the US is and how native communities lost most of this vast country so unjustly to settlers and the US government. Something to ponder with every turn of the cranks as well as the resilience of native communities.

Today is fairly relaxed. I have a few errands to run but mostly I can enjoy my last day. I am typing this on the couch while Ben the Cockatiel roams the coffee table. Sunday will be wet. I will put my rain gear to the test. Thankfully, I have a new destination. I will be staying with Nikki, a high school friend. I’ll be able to sleep under cover, dry my clothes, and take a warm shower. Just FYI, when I stay with people, I am going to cut the ride tracking short of people’s homes to preserve their privacy.

Wish me luck tomorrow!

Update! Technically, the ride has began. This morning Hisako (who wishes to remain image-less on the Internet) when down to Golden Gardens. I officially dipped my rear wheel in the Pacific and will dip my front wheel in the Atlantic. I then rode back home so I can say I rode coast to coast. I think Puget Sound counts as coast. (Side note, it seems you can't include video with the phone version of this software. I'll figure out how to post somewhere).


  1. I was just going to suggest you reach out to Nikki while in Olympia. Her property is beautiful and you can camp on the beach or in her boat house. I’m glad you are making a stop there. Safe travels.

    1. I am grateful to her. It'll be so nice to get out of the rain!

  2. Aye to The Eye! In addition to Yaqui, the Greeks, Romans, Chinese, Arabs, etc. put The Eye on their vessels to look ahead and guide the way. Same reason why the obverse of Great Seal of the USA features The Eye of Providence (as seen on back of $1-bill).

    Thanks to Consuelo's kindness and Yaqui vision - plus best wishes of family & friends AND your own planning & preparations - you are heading into the sunrise (eventually) with powerful protection, from the ancient past into the (un)foreseeable future.

    Go East, young man!

  3. Two ferry rides early in the trip is pretty special - the first of many water crossings ahead. It’s a good beginning.

  4. Great start! Back tire into the Sound, rain falling, first (interim) stop, The Vashon island ferry. Seems like water begins the trip. Hope you have just as much as you need along the way.


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