D6 Hood River to Deschutes River

47 miles plus a bonus 5 miler up the Deschutes.

Video: https://www.relive.cc/view/vrqokLM4zKq

Map: https://ridewithgps.com/trips/90757041

Day 6 is in the books! I am currently at the Deschutes River State Recreation Area where the Deschutes empties into the Columbia. Today was a short one, only 46 miles. I felt good to arrive early at a destination and be able to sightsee along the way. 

Today was the day I could really feel the miles from home grow, especially after passing the Dalles. I had some moments of “What am I doing?” as I biked down Fifteen Mile Creek Road, but especially as  I faced the gravel of Old Moody Road. Gravel can be a delight or it can be a wheel swallowing, soul killing mess. Thankfully, it was the former.

The day began with me saying goodbye to Michael my Warmshowers host. I rode down the huge hill back into Hood River for coffee and coffee cake. It was great coffee cake baked locally so it is bakery #5.

I left around 9:00. The route between Hood River and the Dalles is amazing. It's mostly bike path with some very car friendly roads. I urge anyone who rides to go do it. You ride through the transition from wet side to dry side it one 25 mile stretch.

The Dalles is real town with real industry. As you approach it, you're on bike path but you're riding by big industrial buildings. I found a place to eat and pulled over. I passed quickly through town. East of town serious agriculture begins and where it can't it's rock and sagebrush. 

I went down the above mentioned Fifteen Mile Creek road wondering which farmhouse I would approach if my bike suddenly broke down. Then I turned onto the perfect gravel of Old Moody Road and the dark thoughts bounced away on the dirt road as I followed the path of previous cyclists.

By 4:00 I was at my campsite already making new friends, Sam & Nancy who showed me the secret outlet; Malika and Mike who gave me Girl Scout cookies; Julian who photographs basalt formations; and Bruce, Jim, and Tom who did the Oregon Outback bikepacking route with Bruce driving the sag wagon. This is Julian's work https://julianjolloncollection.com/.

(From the spot where I am writing)


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