Cake and Video

Yesterday my friend Laurel baked me this cake! She’s also my manager and I ask you how many of your managers would bake you a cake like this! It was so yummy! Thank you Laurel! I will take the bike with me. When Hisako saw a picture she said, “This cake shows you that you are loved. You need to look at it if you get lonely.” I hope I don’t get lonely, but I’ll still look at the picture and the little bike.
I am also remiss in not posting this video earlier that more friends at work made for me on tornado safety. Thanks to Tey, Kate, and Jasmine! I will endeavor to keep my wheels on the ground. I had to click the video twice to get it to run.
I am heading out Sunday at 8:30 am from Alice Ball Park across from my home. It will be an appropriately drizzly day to leave. I will head to Fauntleroy, take a ferry to Vashon Island, go south then take another ferry to Tacoma. I’ll either camp at the Riverbend RV Park or do a Warmshowers stay in Olympia. From there it is on to Vader and PDX.


  1. That's awesome! Be safe!

    1. Yes indeed and thanks for the official 'Go South' advice from the National Weather Service.

  2. You're very welcome, TJ!! I had so much fun designing and making that special bike theme cake for you. This is an amazing trip you are taking and I wanted to send you off in my little way of much appreciation of who you are, TJ, and well wishes to have a safe, uneventful and incredibly adventurous and fun bike trip! You have been a hard working emergency management professional over the last 27 years. Keep it 'sunny side up!' ;-)


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