Welcome to a String of Friends

Welcome to the blog I’d never thought I’d write. This is my first entry as I prepare for my big cross country trip.  

Spring has come to Seattle. The fruit trees are blooming, the weather changes every five minutes, and the northern flickers are drumming on our metal chimney pipe. This is also the season I am preparing for by big cross country bike trip. I have been surprised by how many people have asked me if I will be documenting my travels. I hadn’t been, but the more I thought about it, the more I warmed to the idea. It is both a way to make this trip a little less about myself and a way to take friends and family along on the trip. 

Welcome to my blog String of Friends! I chose the name because some people ask me what route I am taking, meaning which of the official Adventure Cycling Association routes. I answer that I am not doing an official route. I am putting together a String of Friends. I plan to connect with friends along the way as much as I can and to make new friends where I don’t have them now. And now through the blog, I have a new string of friends along for the trip.

I won’t be posting a lot before the trip. I just want to get used to blogging, learn what platform I like the best, and generally get comfy with the blog before I start. I’ll post a few updates about my preparations. If anyone has content they’d like me to cover, let me know. Thanks! I look forward to telling you all about my trip!


  1. Is it tacky to post comments on your own blog?

  2. Can't wait to see your journey TJ!

  3. Excited to watch your adventures from afar! Be safe, TJ.

  4. Looking forward to read about your exciting adventure TJ!!!


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